
AES Conference Papers Forum

A Simulation Environment to Evaluate the Effect of Secondary Source Coupling for Noise Reduction in an Automotive Application

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Passenger comfort has always been of pivotal importance in the interior design of an automobile. A critical aspect in reaching this goal in the automotive industry is the design and implementation of an effective active sound management system with the ability to personalize the acoustic environment inside the car. This, in turn, requires designing an active noise control (ANC) system to mitigate the unwanted noise and an active sound profiling system to implement the desired sound. Due to the complexity of the sound field inside the car cabin, having a high-fidelity model that reflects all details is a challenging task. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a simulation platform to be able to evaluate the performance of the ANC system and the distribution of the sound field as a result of this mechanism. This helps to get a better insight into the behaviours of the sound field inside the cabin before its actual implementation. One important feature of this model, which may also have a significant effect on the performance of the ANC system, is the inclusion of a full-scale numerical model of the loudspeaker. The realistic model of the loudspeaker developed in this way allows to model the effect of loudspeaker coupling in an enclosed space and investigate its effect on the ANC system. The model is compared against the simplified mathematical model of the enclosure developed in the previous work by the authors to see how the approximate geometry and simplified model of the loudspeaker would degrade the performance of the ANC system and measure the changes in the acoustic radiation impedance of the loudspeaker.

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