This paper introduces a geometric head model referred to as Blockhead. The time offset to the ear is calculated using an extension of the Woodworth formula having a half-circle of radius a and a rectangle of variable height b on polar half-planes originating from the interaural axis. The anthropomorphic head width de?nes the Blockhead model width. Time delays associated with the pinna and with multiple propagation paths are accounted for. When optimized to ?t the measured high-frequency ITD, the Blockhead model has less than half the error of the spherical head model with offset ears, gives rise to a head-like shape, and offers a simple description of different head shapes ranging from narrow to nearly-spherical.
Romblom, David; Bahu, Hélène
Dysonics, San Francisco, CA, USA
AES Conference:
2019 AES International Conference on Headphone Technology (August 2019)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
August 21, 2019
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