
AES Conference Papers Forum

Beyond Equal-Length Snippets: How Long Is Sufficient to Recognize an Audio Scene?

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Due to the variability in characteristics of audio scenes, some scenes can naturally be recognized earlier than others. In this work, rather than using equal-length snippets for all scene categories, as is common in the literature, we study to which temporal extent an audio scene can be reliably recognized given state-of-the-art models. Moreover, as model fusion with deep network ensemble is prevalent in audio scene classi?cation, we further study whether, and if so, when model fusion is necessary for this task. To achieve these goals, we employ two single-network systems relying on a convolutional neural network and a recurrent neural network for classi?cation as well as early fusion and late fusion of these networks. Experimental results on the LITIS-Rouen dataset show that some scenes can be reliably recognized with a few seconds while other scenes require signi?cantly longer durations. In addition, model fusion is shown to be the most bene?cial when the signal length is short.

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