“Acoustic Vessel Odyssey” is a sound installation realizing the future of music by using Sony’s spatial audio technology called Sound Field Synthesis (SFS). It enables creators to simulate popping, moving and partitioning of sounds in one space. At the "Lost In Music" event, where we demonstrated “Acoustic Vessel Odyssey”, the immersive experience provided by SFS technology was further enhanced by a new, specially designed loudspeaker array consisting of 576 loudspeakers. The content was choreographed by sound artist Evala and is accompanied by a light installation created by digital media artists Kimchi and Chips. In this paper, we present the details of the system architecture as well as technical requirements of “Acoustic Vessel Odyssey”.
Mitsufuji, Yuki; Tomura, Asako; Ohkuri, Kazunobu
Sony Corporation
AES Conference:
2018 AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction - Aesthetics and Science (July 2018)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
July 30, 2018
Session Subject:
Spatial Audio; Sound Field Synthesis; Acoustic Installation; Virtual Reality
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