
AES Conference Papers Forum

The Effects of Dynaic Cue and Spectral Cue on Auditory Vertical Localization

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A series of virtual source localization experiment was carried out to examine the effects of dynamic and spectral cue on auditory vertical localization. Binaural signals were synthesized and rendered via a virtual auditory display under various combinations of conditions, including dynamic/static binaural synthesis, individualized /non-individualized /pinna-less HRTFs, and stimuli with different bandwidths. The statistics on experimental results indicate that dynamic cue in binaural signals enables vertical localization moderately even when the spectral cue at high frequency is completely eliminated. A coordination of dynamic and spectral cue further improves vertical localization, reducing up-down confusion and polar elevation error apparently. Therefore, in addition to high-frequency spectral cue, dynamic cue caused by head turning contributes to vertical auditory localization. The experiment in present work can be regarded as an alternative examination or validation on the classical hypothesis on vertical localization by Wallach.

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