The number of people using portable audio players has increased significantly over the recent years. This implies the rise in the number of people having hearing loss problems. Therefore, there is a need to find appropriate procedures that simplify the process of the hearing problem detection. Investigations performed show that audiometric tests may not be sufficient to assess hearing in young people. Contrarily, the obtained results indicate the importance of loudness scaling tests in the process of hearing impairment measurements. a method for enhancing existing loudness scaling tests and its main features are described in the paper and compared with the LGOB (Loudness Growth in 1/2-octave bands) procedure, both created as applications implemented on a PC platform. The application designed is also used for setting too soft, comfortable and too loud sound levels when listening to music. The comparison results are shown and discussed.
Kostek, Bozena; Suchomski, Piotr; Odya, Piotr
Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
AES Conference:
58th International Conference: Music Induced Hearing Disorders (June 2015)
Paper Number:
Publication Date:
June 22, 2015
Effects of Exposure to Loud Music
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