
AES Conference Papers Forum

Next Generation Surround Decoding and Upmixing for Consumer and Professional Applications

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This paper describes a new spatial audio algorithm that creates a channel-based three-dimensional sound scene from two or more input channels. The algorithm was designed to decode matrix encoded programs (Lt/Rt). It is also an effective stereo upmixer; the signal relationships that guide the decoding algorithm (e.g. cross correlation) also provide appropriate cues to the intended spatial scene for standard, unencoded programs – we decode the artist’s intent. Input channel configurations with more than two channels are decomposed into channel pairs which are then processed independently. Improvements relative to existing surround decoding systems include improved selectivity and separation due to multi-band processing; increased listener envelopment through independent processing for direct and diffuse signal components and user adjustable decorrelation; and support for an arbitrary number of output channels at user specified locations including elevation. The system described has been recently deployed in consumer and professional products for home, mobile, and cinema applications. In this paper we give a detailed description of the signal processing, and provide results from a subjective listening test which indicates significant improvement relative to legacy systems.

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